We all know Ross Bridge well, one of Penzance’s iconic harbour-side manmade local landmarks, but now more than ever Ross Bridge needs our help.
Over the months and years the damage to Ross Bridge has been getting worse and worse – now it is almost at breaking point. The cracks between the sections of the bridge now reach several inches in thickness, and it is only a matter of time before something goes seriously wrong and someone gets hurt.
That’s why today I called on local Cornwall Councillor Cornelius Olivier, we well as the Portfolio Holder for Transport Cllr. Geoff Brown, to take action and save Ross Bridge.
But we can’t do it without your support – please share this post to reach as many people as possible, and ask your friends and family to email our Councillors to call for action to be taken now!
Together we can save Ross Bridge.
Please get in touch with these Councillors
Cllr. Olivier (Central Division):
Cllr. Brown (Transport):
Category: Pz Town Council
Have your say on the Penzance MyTown consultation!
The MyTown Government consultation is well underway, and we want to know what investment you think our town needs to improve upon?
How would you spend £25 Million? Would you invest in Public toilets? More parks and green spaces? Perhaps a youth centre? If you have any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions then please visit the link below to give your thoughts on this extremely important consultation. Your feedback could make all the difference!
“People in 100 places across England are being asked to help write the next chapter for their town.
The MyTown campaign gives people a say in how a new generation of Town Deals, each worth up to £25 million, should transform the place they call home.
It also provides a platform for communities to share their proud history and ambitions for a bright future. From Blackpool to Bedford, Torquay to Truro, 100 towns will get the chance to pioneer new multi-million pound Town Deals as part of the £3.6 billion Towns Fund.”
Penzance Council – 9th March Full Council Meeting
The next Full Council meeting of Penzance Council will be held at 7PM on Monday the 9th of March – at St John’s Hall in Penzance.
We will be discussing a range of issues – from using our vote on the upcoming Penzance BID ballot, possibly taking over the recycling bank in Wherrytown, to a change in Penzance Council Planning Policy.
If you have any thoughts or opinions on any of the issues cited in the agenda below, please come along on Monday to make your views heard. Alternatively, if you can’t make it please let me know and I would be more than happy to raise your thoughts or concerns at the meeting.
Will elected Chair of Planning
This evening I was pleased and privileged to be elected unanimously by my colleagues as Chairman of Penzance Council’s Planning Committee.
I’d like to thank all my fellow Councillors for putting their trust in me – I aim to be a fair and neutral Chair, listening to everyone and making sure that everyone is given an equal opportunity to present their views to the committee in an orderly fashion. I want us to continue the spirit of togetherness and unanimity that we’ve championed over the last few years. I’d also like to thank outgoing Chairman, Cllr. Davis, for all of the hard work and dedication that he has put into Chairing the committee and shaping it to be what it is today – he’s a truly tough act to follow!
If anyone ever has any questions about Planning applications in the Penzance parish please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me, either by calling me 07969 842956 or by emailing me at Will.Elliott@Penzance-tc.gov.uk
Campaigning for Penzance
Our high street needs our help. We need to carry on collaborating and actively innovating to implement new and exciting ideas that will push towards the return of vibrance and community in Penzance Town centre, tackling the issue of Business Rates.
We’ve made the message clear – there is no place for Anti-Social Behaviour in Penzance. Good progress has been made in the last two years, but more needs to be done. Let’s help those who want to be helped, and continue to fight back against those who refuse it.
We live in such a beautiful part of the world. We’re surrounded by an amazing community who want the best for our town. Let’s keep it that way, and work together to ensure we do so – I want to hear your ideas and opinions on how we can do just that.
These are my top three priorities, if you’d like to talk about any of them in more detail, or suggest other areas of focus then please
EMAIL: Will.Elliott@Penzance-tc.gov.uk
MOBILE: 07969 842956
FACEBOOK: www.Facebook.com/VoteForWill